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Selected Bibliography
Updated: December 18, 2018
Duhamel, F. (Ed.). (2015). La santé et la famille: Une approche systémique en soins infirmiers [Families and health: A systemic approach in nursing care] (3rd ed.) Montreal, Quebec, Canada: Gaëtan Morin editeur, Chenelière Éducation. [In French] (previous editions: 1st ed. 1995, 2nd ed. 2007)
Kobayashi, N, (2011). Family assessment workbook Part II: Guide to an expert in facilitating case conference and study by FASC methods. Tokyo, Japan: Ishiyaku Publishers. [in Japanese].
Wacharasin, C. (2007). Theoretical foundations for advanced family nursing. Chonburi, Thailand: Faculty of Nursing, Burapha University. [in Thai]
Wacharasin, C. (2017). Nursing interventions for families experiencing chronic illness. Chon-Buri, Thailand: Chonburi Printing. [in Thai]
Wright, L. M. (2005). Spirituality, suffering, and illness: Ideas for healing. Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis. (Translation: Portuguese)
Wright, L. M. (2017). Suffering and spirituality: The path to illness healing. Calgary, Alberta, Canada: 4th Floor Press. Kindle version available from
Wright, L. M., & Bell, J. M. (2009). Beliefs and illness: A model for healing. Calgary, Alberta, Canada: 4th Floor Press. Kindle version available from (Translation: Japanese)
Wright, L. M., & Leahey, M. (2013). Nurses and families: A guide to family assessment and intervention (6th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis. (previous editions: 1st ed. 1984; 2nd ed. 1994; 3rd ed. 2000; 4th ed., 2005, 5th ed., 2009) (Translations: French, German, Icelandic, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Swedish)
Bell, J. M. (1995). What is “family”? Pertubations and possibilities [Editorial]. Journal of Family Nursing, 1, 131-133.
Bell, J. M. (1995). Wanted: Family nursing interventions [Editorial]. Journal of Family Nursing, 1, 355-358.
Bell, J. M. (1996). Signal events in family nursing [Editorial]. Journal of Family Nursing, 2, 347-349.
Bell, J. M. (1999). Calgary Family Nursing Model: Practical and research tasks in family nursing. Japanese Journal of Research in Family Nursing, 5(1), 26-33. [In Japanese]
Bell, J. M. (2000). Encouraging nurses and families to think interactionally: Revisiting the usefulness of the circular pattern diagram [Editorial]. Journal of Family Nursing, 6, 203-209.
Bell, J. M. (2002). 20th anniversary of the Family Nursing Unit [Editorial]. Journal of Family Nursing, 8, 175-177.
Bell, J. M. (2003). Clinical scholarship in family nursing [Editorial]. Journal of Family Nursing, 9, 127-129.
Bell, J. M. (2007). Distinguished Contribution to Family Nursing Award: Dr. Lorraine M. Wright. Journal of Family Nursing, 13, 3-8.
Bell. J. M. (2008). The Family Nursing Unit, University of Calgary: Reflections on 25 years of clinical scholarship (1982-2007) and closure announcement [Editorial]. Journal of Family Nursing, 14, 275-288.
Bell, J. M. (2012). Making ideas “stick”: The 15-Minute Family Interview [Editorial]. Journal of Family Nursing, 18, 171-174.
Bell, J. M., & Wright, L. M. (2015). The Illness Beliefs Model: Advancing practice knowledge about illness beliefs, family healing, and family interventions [Editorial]. Journal of Family Nursing, 21, 179-185.
Bohn, U., Wright, L. M., & Moules, N. J. (2003). A Family Systems Nursing interview following a myocardial infarction: The power of commendations. Journal of Family Nursing, 9, 151-165.
Boyd, M. A., & Houger Limacher, L. (2008). Family assessment and intervention. In W. Austin & M. A. Boyd (Eds.), Psychiatric care for Canadian practice (pp. 270-286). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Campagna, L., & Duhamel, F. (2000). Les croyances : Élément –clef dans une approche systémique familiale de Calgary [Beliefs, a key element in the Calgary Family Assessment Model]. Sciences pastorales, 19(2), 119-134.
Duhamel, F. (1995). The practice of family nursing care: Still a challenge! Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 27(1), 7-11.
Friedman, M. M., & Levac, A. M. (1997). The family nursing process. In M. M. Friedman (Ed.), Family nursing: Research, theory and practice (4th ed., pp. 49-72). Stamford, CT: Appleton & Lange.
Gomes, B. M. R. (May, 2014). Calgary Family Assessment and Intervention Model: Influencing nursing practice and theory. Journal of Nursing UFPE on line, Recife 8(4). doi: 10.5205/01012007
Gottlieb, L. (2007). A tribute to the Calgary Family Nursing Unit: Lessons that go beyond family nursing [Editorial]. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 39(3), 7-11.
Hilbert, G. (1998). Whither goest family nursing? [Guest Editorial]. Journal of Family Nursing, 4, 227-230.
Holtslander, L. (2005). Clinical application of the 15-Minute Family Interview: Addressing the needs of postpartum families. Journal of Family Nursing, 11, 5-18.
Houger Limacher, L., & Wright, L. M. (2003). Commendations: Listening to the silent side of a family intervention. Journal of Family Nursing, 9, 130-135.
Houger Limacher, L. (2007). Distinguished Contribution to Family Nursing Award: Dr. Maureen Leahey [Guest Editorial]. Journal of Family Nursing, 13, 9-12.
Kent-Wilkinson, A. (1999). Forensic family genogram: An assessment and intervention tool. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health, 37, 52-56.
Kobayashi, N. (2011). Family Systems Practice in home visit nursing. Tokyo, Japan:
Houmon Kango to Kaigo, 16(11), 918-921. [in Japanese]
Kobayashi, N. (2014). Family nursing nowadays: Family care, support and management. No.6: Nursing care for families when a family member is dying. Nagoya, Japan: Nissoken. Kango-Syunin Gyoumu, 24(1), 77-82. [in Japanese]
Laliberte, S., Bohn, U., Bartlett, K. R., West, C., & Englehart, R. (2002). Remembering September 11, 2001: Families and family nursing [Guest Editorial]. Journal of Family Nursing, 8, 3-10.
Leahey, M., & Harper-Jaques, S. (1996). Family-nurse relationships: Core assumptions and clinical implications. Journal of Family Nursing, 2, 133-151.
Leahey, M., & Harper-Jaques, S. (2010). Integrating family nursing into a mental health urgent care practice framework: Ladders for learning. Journal of Family Nursing, 16, 196-212.
Leahey, M., Stout, L., & Myrah, I. (1991). Family systems nursing: How do you practice it in an active community hospital? The Canadian Nurse, February, 31-33.
Leahey, M., & Svavarsdottir, E. K. (2009). Implementing family nursing: How do we translate knowledge into clinical practice? Journal of Family Nursing, 15, 445-460.
Leahey, M., & Wright, L. M. (1985). Intervening with families with chronic illness. Family Systems Medicine, 3, 60-69.
Leahey, M., & Wright, L. M. (1987). Families and chronic illness: Assumptions, assessment and intervention. In L. M. Wright & M. Leahey (Eds.), Families & chronic illness (pp. 55-76). Springhouse, PA: Springhouse.
Leahey, M., & Wright, L. M. (2016). Application of the Calgary Family Assessment and Interventions Models: Reflections on the reciprocity between the personal and the professional. Journal of Family Nursing, 22, 450-459.
Levac, A. M .C. (1995). [Review of Families with health problems: Assessment and intervention (5 educational videotapes). Produced by W. L. Watson, Calgary, Alberta, University of Calgary]. Journal of Family Nursing, 1, 107-112.
Levac, A. M. C., Wright, L. M., & Leahey, M. (2002). Children and families: Models for
assessment and intervention. In J. A. Fox (Ed.), Primary health care of infants, children, and adolescents (2nd ed., pp. 10-19). St Louis, MO: Mosby.
Loos, F., & Bell, J. M. (1990). Circular questions: A family interviewing strategy.Dimensions in Critical Care Nursing, 9(1), 46-53.
McElheran, N. G., & Harper-Jaques, S. R. (1994). Commendations: A resource intervention for clinical practice. Clinical Nurse Specialist, 8(1), 7-10, 15.
Robinson, C. A. (1994). Nursing interventions with families: A demand or an invitation to change? Journal of Advanced Nursing, 19, 897-904.
Robinson, C. A. (1995). Beyond dichotomies in the nursing of persons and families. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 27, 116-120.
Robinson, C. A. (1996). Health care relationships revisited. Journal of Family Nursing, 2, 152-173.
Robinson, C. A., Wright, L. M., & Watson, W. L. (1994). A nontraditional approach to family violence. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 8, 30-37.
Østergaard, B., & Wagner, L. (2014). Family nursing in Denmark. Current status and future perspectives. Journal of Family Nursing, 20, 487-500.
Schober, M., & Affara, F. (2001). The family nurse: Frameworks for practice. Geneva, Switzerland: International Council of Nurses.
Simpson, P. (2015). Family assessment and interventions. In W. Austin & M. A. Boyd (Eds.), Psychiatric & mental health nursing for Canadian practice (pp. 259-274). Philadelphia, PA: Walters Kluwer.
Sveinbjarnardottir, E. K., & Svavarsdottir, E. K. (2018). Drawing forth family strengths in short therapeutic conversations from a psychiatric nursing perspective. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care. Advance online publication.
Tapp, D. M. (2000). Family nursing in the fast lane: Therapeutic conversations that count. Canadian Nurse, 96(6), 29-32.
Watson, W. L. (1987). Intervening with aging families and Alzheimer’s disease. In L. M. Wright & M. Leahey (Eds.), Families & chronic illness (pp. 381-404). Springhouse, PA: Springhouse.
Watson, W. L., & Nanchoff-Glatt, M. (1990). A family systems nursing approach to premenstrual syndrome. Clinical Nurse Specialist, 4, 3-9.
Watson, W. L., & Wright, L. M. (1984). The elderly and their families: An interactional view. In J. C. Hansen & E. Imber Coppersmith (Eds.), Families with handicapped member (pp. 75-78). Rockville, MD: Family Therapy Collections, Aspen Systems.
Wright, L. M. (1989). When clients ask questions: Enriching the therapeutic conversation. Family Therapy Networker, 13(6), 15-16.
Wright, L. M. (1990). Research as a family therapy intervention technique. Contemporary Family Therapy: An International Journal, 12, 477-484.
Wright, L. M. (2015). Brain science and illness beliefs: An unexpected explanation of the healing power of therapeutic conversations and the family interventions that matter. Journal of Family Nursing, 21, 186-205.
Wright, L. M. (2015). Eckhart Tolle’s spiritual words of wisdom: Application to family nursing practice [Editorial]. Journal of Family Nursing, 21, 503-507.
Wright, L. M., & Bell, J. (1981). Nurses, families and illness: A new combination. In D. Freeman & B. Trute (Eds.), Treating families with special needs (pp. 199-205). Ottawa, Ontario, Canada: The Canadian Association of Social Workers.
Wright, L. M., & Bell, J. M. (2004). Retrospective — Nurses, families, and illness: A new combination [Editorial]. Journal of Family Nursing, 10, 3-11.
Wright, L. M., & Leahey, M. (1985). Families with chronic illness: Three intervention approaches. Continuing Care Coordinator, March, 35-36.
Wright, L. M., & Leahey, M. (1987). Families and life-threatening illness: Assumptions, assessment and intervention. In M. Leahey & L.Wright (Eds.), Families & life-threatening illness (pp. 45-58). Springhouse, PA: Springhouse.
Wright, L. M., & Leahey, M. (1987). Families and psychosocial problems: Assumptions, assessment and intervention. In M. Leahey & L.Wright (Eds.), Families & psychosocial problems (pp. 17-34). Springhouse, PA: Springhouse.
Wright, L. M., & Leahey, M. (1990). Trends in the nursing of families. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 15, 148-154.
Wright, L. M., & Leahey, M. (1994). Calgary Family Intervention Model: One-way to think about change. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 20, 381-395.
Wright, L. M., & Leahey, M. (1999). Maximizing time, minimizing suffering: The 15-minute (or less) family interview. Journal of Family Nursing, 5, 259-274.
Wright, L. M., & Leahey, M. (2004). How to conclude or terminate with families. Journal of Family Nursing, 10, 379-401.
Wright, L. M., & Leahey, M. (2005). The three most common errors in family nursing:
How to avoid or side-step. Journal of Family Nursing, 11, 90-101.
Wright, L. M., & Leahey, M. (2016). Application of the Calgary Family Assessment and Intervention Models: Reflections on the reciprocity between the personal and the professional. Journal of Family Nursing, 22, 450-459.
Wright, L. M., & Levac, A. M. (1993). The non-existence of non-compliant families: The influence of Humberto Maturana. In S.L. Feetham, S.B. Meister, J.M. Bell, & C.L. Gilliss (Eds.), The nursing of families:Theory/research/education/practice (pp.111-117). Newbury Park, CA: SAGE.
Wright, L. M., Watson, W. L., & Duhamel, F. (1985). The Family Nursing Unit: Clinical preparation at the Masters’ level. The Canadian Nurse, 81, 26-29.
Wright, L. M., Watson, W. L., & Duhamel, F. (1985). Une formation clinique en centre familial au niveau de la maitrise. L’Infirmiere Canadienne, 10, 31-32.
Wright, L. M., Watson, W. L., & Bell, J. M. (1990). The Family Nursing Unit: A unique
integration of research, education and clinical practice. In J. M. Bell, W. L. Watson, & L. M. Wright (Eds.), The cutting edge of family nursing (pp. 95-112). Calgary, Alberta, Canada: Family Nursing Unit Publications. Retrieved from
Agren, S., Ericksson, A., Fredrikson, M., Hollman-Frisman, G., & Orwelius, L. (2018). The health promoting conversations intervention for families with a critically ill relative: A pilot study. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing. Advance online publication.
Arestedt, L., Benzein, E., & Persson, C. (2015). Families living with chronic illness: Beliefs about illness, family, and health care. Journal of Family Nursing, 21, 206-231.
Arestedt, L., Persson, C., Ramgard, M., Midwifery, B., & Benzein, E. (2018). Experiences of encounters with healthcare professionals through the lenses of families living with chronic illness. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 27, 836-847.
Aston, M., Price, S., Etowa, J., Vukic, A., Young, L., Hart, C.,…Randel, P. (2015). The power of relationships: Exploring how public health nurses support mothers and families during postpartum home visits. Journal of Family Nursing, 21, 11-34.
Bell, J. M. (2015). Growing the science of Family Systems Nursing: Family health intervention research focused on illness suffering and family healing [L’avancement de la recherché sur l’intervention infirmiere systémiqueen santé familiale: bilan]. In F. Duhamel (Ed.), La santé et la famille: Une approche systémique en soins infirmiers [Families and health: A systemic approach in nursing care] (3rd ed., 102-125.) Montreal, Quebec, Canada: Gaëtan Morin editeur, Chenelière Éducation. [In French]
Benzein, E., Olin, C., & Persson, C. (2014). ‘You put it all together’ – families’ evaluation of participating in Family Health Conversations. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 29, 136-144.
Benzein, E., Hagberg, M., & Saveman, B.-I. (2008). ‘Being appropriately unusual’: A challenge for nurses in health-promoting conversations with families. Nursing Inquiry, 15, 106-115.
Benzein, E. G., & Saveman, B. I. (2008). Health-promoting conversations about hope and suffering with couples in palliative care. International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 14, 439-445.
Blondal, K., Zoega, S., Hafsteinsdottir, J., Olafsdottir, O, Thorvardardootir, A., Hafsteinsdottir, S., & Sveinsdottir, H. (2014). Attitudes of registered and licensed practical nurses towards the importance of families in surgical hospital units: Findings from the Landspitali University Hospital Family Nursing Implementation Project. Journal of Family Nursing, 20, 355-375.
Boebel Toly, V., Blanchette, J. E., Sikorski, S., Musil, C. M., Al-Hamed, A. (2017). Maternal perspectives of well siblings’ adjustment to family life with a technology-dependent child. Journal of Family Nursing, 23, 392-417.
Braun, V. F., & Foster, C. (2011). Family nursing: Walking the talk. Nursing Forum, 46, 11-21.
Broekema, S. Luttik, M. L. A., Steggerda, G. E., Paans, W., & Roodbol, P. F. (2018). Measuring change in nurses’ perceptions about family nursing competency following a 6-day educational intervention. Journal of Family Nursing, 24, 508-537.
Bruce, E., Dorell, A., & Lindh, V. (2016). Translation and testing of the Swedish version of Iceland-Family Perceived Support Questionnaire with parents of children with congenital heart defects. Journal of Family Nursing, 22, 298-320.
Clausson, E., & Berg, A. (2008). Family intervention sessions: One useful way to improve schoolchildren’s mental health. Journal of Family Nursing, 14, 289-313.
Colichi, R. M. B., Bocchi, S. C. M., Lima, S. A. M., & Popim, R. C. (2017). Interactions between quality of life at work and family. International Archives of Medicine, 9.
Dalteg, T., Benzein, E., & Sandgren, A., Malm, D., Arestedt, K. (2016). Associations of emotional distress and perceived health in persons with atrial fibrilliation and their partners using the Actor-Partner Independence Model. Journal of Family Nursing, 22, 368-391.
Dalteg, T., Sandberg, J., Malm, D., Sandgren, A., & Benzein, E. (2017). The heart is a representation of life: An exploration of illness beliefs in couples living with atrial fibrillation. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 26, 3699-3709.
Dorell, A., Bäckström, B., Ericsson, M., Johansson, M., Östlund, U., & Sundin, K. (2016). Experiences with Family Health Conversations at residentials homes for older people.
Clinical Nursing Research, 25, 560-582.
Duhamel, F. (1994). A family systems approach: Three families with a hypertensive member. Family Systems Medicine, 12, 391-404.
Duhamel, F. (1997). Intervention systémique infirmière auprès de couples dont un des membres est atteint d’insuffisance cardiaque [A family systems approach for families with one member experiencing heart failure]. Canadian Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 8, 16-22. [in French]
Duhamel, F. (2010). Implementing family nursing: How do we translate knowledge into
clinical practice? Part II: The evolution of 20 years of teaching, research, and practice to a Center of Excellence in Family Nursing. Journal of Family Nursing, 16, 8-25.
Duhamel, F. (2017). Translating knowledge from a Family Systems Approach to clinical practice: Insights from knowledge translation research experiences. Journal of Family Nursing, 23, 461-487.
Duhamel, F., & Dupuis, F. (2003). Families in palliative care: Exploring family and health – care professionals’ beliefs. International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 9, 113-119.
Duhamel, F., & Dupuis, F. (2004). Guaranteed returns: Investing in conversations with families of cancer patients. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 8, 68-71. doi: 10.1188/04.CJON.68-71
Duhamel, F., Dupuis, F., Reidy, M., & Nadon, N. (2007). A qualitative evaluation of a family nursing intervention. Clinical Nurse Specialist, 21, 43-49. doi: 10.1097/00002800-200701000-00009
Duhamel, F., Dupuis, F., & Wright, L. M. (2009). Families’ and nurses’ responses to the “One Question Question”: Reflections for clinical practice, education, and research in family nursing. Journal of Family Nursing, 15, 461-485.
Duhamel, F., & Talbot, L. (2004). A constructivist evaluation of Family Systems Nursing interventions with families experiencing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular illness. Journal of Family Nursing, 10, 12-32.
Duhamel, F., Dupuis, F., Turcotte, A., Martinez, A.-M., & Goudreau, J. (2015). Integrating the Illness Beliefs Model in clinical practice: A Family Systems Nursing Knowledge Utilization Model. Journal of Family Nursing, 21, 322-348.
Duhamel, F., Watson, W. L., & Wright, L. M. (1994). A family systems approach to hypertension. Canadian Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 5, 14-24.
Dupuis, F., Duhamel, F., & Gendron, S. (2011). Transitioning care of an adolescent with cystic
fibrosis: Development of a systemic hypothesis between parents, adolescents and health care professionals. Journal of Family Nursing, 17, 291-311.
Erlingsson, C. (2009). Undergraduate nursing students writing therapeutic letters to families: An educational strategy. Journal of Family Nursing, 15, 83-101.
Ersig, A. L., Werner-Lin, A., Hoskins, L., Young, J., Loud, J. T., Peters, J., & Greene, M. H. (2018). Legacies and relationships: Diverse social networks and BRCA1/2 risk management decisions and actions. Journal of Family Nursing. Advance online publication.
Freed, P. E., SmithBattle, L., Leander, S., & Westhus, N. (2010). Therapeutic letters in undergraduate nursing education: Ideas for clinical nurse educators. Nurse Education Today, 30, 470-475.
Frisman, G. H., Wahlin, I., Orvelius, L., & Agren, A. (2018). Health promoting conversations – A novel approach to families experiencing critical illness in the ICU environment. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 27, 631-639.
Gariss, B., R., & Weber, A. J. (2018). Relationships influence health: Family theory in health-care research. Journal of Family Theory & Review. Advance online publication. doi:
Ginter, A. C., & Radina, M. E. (2018). “I was there with her”: Experiences of mothers of women with breast cancer. Journal of Family Nursing. Advance online publication.
Gisladottir, M., & Svavarsdottir, E. K. (2017). The effectiveness of therapeutic conversation intervention for caregivers of adolescents with ADHD: A quasi-experimental design. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 24, 15-27.
Gisladottir, M., Treasure, J., & Svavarsdottir, E. K. (2017). Effectiveness of therapeutic conversation intervention among caregivers of people with eating disorders: Quasi-experimental design. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 26, 735-750.
Goudreau, J., & Duhamel, F. (2003). Interventions in perinatal family care: A participatory study. Families, Systems, & Health, 21, 165-180.
Goudreau, J., Duhamel, F., & Ricard, N. (2006). The impact of a Family Systems Nursing educational program on the practice of psychiatric nurses. A pilot study. Journal of Family Nursing, 12, 292-306.
Hagedoorn, E. I., Paan, W., Jarsma, T., Keers, J. C., van der Scharns, C., & Luttik, M. L. (2017). Aspects of family caregiving as addressed in planned discussions between nurses, patients with chronic disease and family caregivers: A qualitative content analysis. BMC Nursing, 16:37.
Halldorsdottir, B. S., & Svavarsdottir, E. K. (2012). Purposeful therapeutic conversations: Are they effective for families of individuals with COPD? A quasi-experimental study. Nordic Journal of Nursing Research, 103(32), 48-51.
Holtslander, L., Solar, J., & Smith, N. R. (2013). The 15-Minute Family Interview as a learning strategy for senior undergraduate nursing students. Journal of Family Nursing, 19, 230-248.
Houger Limacher, L. (2003). Commendations: The healing potential of one Family Systems Nursing intervention. Unpublished doctoral thesis, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Retrieved from
Houger Limacher, L., & Wright, L.M. (2006). Exploring the therapeutic family intervention of commendations: Insights from research. Journal of Family Nursing, 12, 307-331.
Houger Limacher, L. (2008). Locating relationships at the heart of commending practices. Journal of Systemic Therapies, 27, 90-105.
Hsiao, C.-Y., & Tsai, Y.-F. (2015). Factors associated with the perception of family nursing practice among mental health nurses in Taiwan. Journal of Family Nursing, 21, 508-528.
Iwasaki, T., Yamamoto-Mitani, N., Sato, K., Yumoto, Y., Noguchi-Watanabe, M., & Ogata, Y. (2017). A purposeful yet non-imposing approach: How Japanese home care nurses establish relationships with older clients and their families. Journal of Family Nursing, 23, 534-561.
Johnson, J., Johnson, O., Heyhoe, J., Fielder, C., & Dunning, A. (2018). Parent experiences and preferences with dysmelia is identified during the prenatal and perinatal periods: A qualitative study into family nursing care for rare diseases. Journal of Family Nursing, 24, 271-293.
Kamban, S., & Svavarsdottir, E. K. (2013). Does a therapeutic conversation intervention in an acute paediatric setting make a difference for families of children with bronchiolitis caused by respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)? Journal of Clinical Nursing, 22, 2723-2733.
Kamibeppu, K., Murayama, S., Ozono, S., Sakamoto, N., Iwai, T., Asami, K.,…Ishida, Y. (2015). Predictors of posttraumatic stress symptoms among adolescent and young adult survivors of childhood cancer: Importance of monitoring survivors’ experiences of family functioning. Journal of Family Nursing, 21, 529-550.
Kiriake, A., & Moriyama, M. (2016). Development and testing of the Partnership Scale for Primary Caregivers Caring for Patients with Dementia. Journal of Family Nursing, 22, 339-367.
Knafl, K., Leeman, J., Havill, N. L., Crandell, J. L., Sandelowski, M. (2015). The contribution of parent and family variables to the well-being of youth with arthritis. Journal of Family Nursing, 21, 579-616.
Konradsdottir, E., & Svavarsdottir, E. K. (2011). How effective is a short-term educational and support intervention for families of an adolescent with type 1 diabetes? Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing, 16, 295-304.
Konradsdottir, E., & Svavarsdottir, E. K. (2013). The role of advanced nurse practitioners in offering brief therapeutic conversation intervention for families of children and adolescents with diabetes Type 1. Nordic Journal of Nursing Research, 33, 44-47.
Leahey, M., Harper-Jaques, S., Stout, L., & Levac, A. M. (1995). The impact of a family systems nursing approach: Nurses’ perceptions. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 26, 219-225.
Leahey, M., & Svavarsdottir, E. K. (2009). How do we translate knowledge into clinical
practice? Journal of Family Nursing, 15, 445-460.
Lee, H.-J., Ching-Lan Lin, E., Chen, M.-B., Su, T.-P., Chiang, L.-C. (2018). Randomized, controlled trial of a brief family-centred care programme for hospitalized patients with bipolar disorder and their family caregivers. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 27, 61-71.
LeGrow, K., & Rossen, B. E. (2005). Development of a professional practice based on a Family Systems Nursing framework: Nurses’ and families’ experiences. Journal of Family Nursing, 11, 38-58.
Leonard, R. A., Linden, M., & Grant, A. (2018). Family-focused practice for families affected by maternal mental illness and substance misuse in home visiting: A qualitative systemic review. Journal of Family Nursing, 24, 128-155.
Martinez, A-M., D’Artois, D., & Rennick, J. E. (2007). Does the 15-minute (or less) family interview influence family nursing practice? Journal of Family Nursing, 13, 157-178.
McKechnie, A. C., Pridham, K., & Tluczek, A. (2016). Walking the “emotional tightrope” from pregnancy to parenthood. Journal of Family Nursing, 22, 74-107.
McLeod, D. L. (2003). Opening space for the spiritual: Therapeutic conversations with families living with serious illness. Unpublished doctoral thesis, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Retrieved from
Meiers, S. J., Eggenberger, S. K., & Krumwiede, N. (2018). Development and implementation of a family-focused undergraduate nursing curriculum: Minnesota State University, Mankato. Journal of Family Nursing, 24, 307-344.
Moules, N. J. (2000). Nursing on paper: The art and mystery of therapeutic letters in clinical work with families experiencing illness. Unpublished doctoral thesis, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Retrieved from
Moules, N. J., Bell, J. M., Paton, B. I., & Morck, A. C. (2012). Examining pedagogical practices in Family Systems Nursing: Intentionality, complexity, and doing well by families. Journal of Family Nursing, 18, 261-295.
Moules, N. J., Laing, C. M., & Estefan, A. (2018). “Family is who they say they are”a: Examining the effects of cancer on the romantic partners of adolescents and young adults. Journal of Family Nursing, 24, 374-404.
Moules, N. J., Thirsk, L. M., & Bell, J. M. (2006). A Christmas without memories: Beliefs about grief and mothering – A clinical case analysis. Journal of Family Nursing, 12, 426-441.
Neill, S. J., & Coyne, I. (2018). The role of felt or enacted criticism in parents’ decision making in differing contexts and communities: Toward a formal grounded theory. Journal of Family Nursing, 24, 443-469.
Noiseux, S., & Duhamel, F. (2003). La greffe de moelle osseuse chez l’enfant. Évaluation constructiviste de l’intervention auprès des parents [Bone marrow transplant in children: A constructivist evaluation of interventions for the parents]. Perspective infirmière, 1(1), 12-24.
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UPDATED: December 2018