Wright, L.M. (2019). Older Adults and Their Families: An Interactional Intervention That Brings Forth Love and Softens Suffering. Journal of Family Nursing, 25(4), 610-626.
Wright, L.M. (2015). Eckhart Tolle’s Spiritual Words of Wisdom: Application to Family Nursing Practice. Journal of Family Nursing, 2, 503 – 507, first published on September 22, 2015. doi:10.1177/1074840715606244.
Bell, J.M. & Wright, L.M. (2015). The Illness Beliefs Model: Advancing Practice Knowledge About Illness Beliefs, Family Healing, and Family Interventions. Journal of Family Nursing, 21, 179-185. doi:10.1177/1074840715586889.
Wright, L. M. (2015). Brain science and illness beliefs: An unexpected explanation of the healing power of therapeutic conversations and the family interventions that matter. Journal of Family Nursing, 21, 186-205. doi:10.1177/1074840715575822.
Sveinbjarnardottir, E.K., Svavarsdottir, E.K., & Wright, L.M. (2013). What are the benefits of a short therapeutic conversation intervention with acute psychiatric patients and their families? A controlled before and after study. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 50(5), 593-602.
Duhamel, F., Dupuis, F., Wright, L.M. (2009) Families’ and Nurses’ Responses to the “One Question Question”: Reflections for Clinical Practice, Education, and Research in Family Nursing. Journal of Family Nursing, 15(4) 461-485.
Bell, J.M., Moules, N.J., & Wright, L.M. (2009). Therapeutic letters and the Family Nursing Unit: A legacy of advanced nursing practice. Journal of Family Nursing, 15(1), 6-30.
Wright, L.M. (2008). One idea for healing families and communities: Soften suffering through spiritual care practices. Journal of Family Nursing, 14(4), 394-411.
McLeod, D.L., & Wright, L.M. (2008). Living the as-yet unanswered: Spiritual care practices in Family Systems Nursing. Journal of Family Nursing, 14(1), 118-141.
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Wright, L.M. & Leahey, M. (2005). The three most common errors in family nursing: How to avoid or sidestep. Journal of Family Nursing, 11(2), 90-101.
Wright, L.M., & Leahey, M. (2004). How to conclude or terminate with families. Journal of Family Nursing, 10(4) , 402-403.
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*Wright, L.M., Leahey, M. (1999). Maximizing time, minimizing suffering: 15 minute(or less) family interviews. Journal of Family Nursing, 5(3), 259-274.
*Levac, A.M., McLean, S., Wright, L.M., Bell, J.M., “Ann”, & “Fred”. ( 1998). A “Reader’s Theatre” intervention to managing grief: Post-therapy reflections by a family and a clinical team. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 24(1), 81-94.
*Tapp, D.M., Moules, N., Bell, J.M., & Wright, L.M. (1997). Family skills labs: Facilitating the development of family nursing skills in the undergraduate curriculum. Journal of Family Nursing, 3(3), 247-266.
Wright, L.M. (1997). Beliefs, illness, and healing: A dynamic threesome. AFTA Newsletter, Summer(68), 15-18. Wright, L.M., & Bell, J.M. (1997). Beliefs, families and illness: The evolution of a clinical practice approach. AARN Newsletter, 53(1), 11-12.
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*Tapp, D.M., & Wright, L.M. (1996). Live supervision and family systems nursing: Postmodern influences and dilemmas. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 3(4), 225-233.
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*Duhamel, F., Watson, W.L., & Wright, L.M. (1994). A family systems approach to hypertension. Canadian Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 5(4), 14-24.
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